AIA Educational Webinars



Fiberglass Thermal Spacer

Closing the Gap: Leveraging cladding attachments to deliver high-performance exterior wall assemblies




Jurisdictions across North American continue to transition beyond ASHRAE standards for exterior wall assemblies, instead adopting a more comprehensive building energy performance standard (BEPS) approach to envelope design.

This shift brings advantages like increased design flexibility and reduced operating costs, but it also calls for a rethinking of how these wall assemblies are constructed. Instead of relying on traditional line-by-line methods, the performance of individual components must be considered along side their overall impact on the entire high-performance exterior walls assembly.

This webinar will explore the role of thermal bridging in meeting new BEPS, as well as ASHRAE standards. It will cover common insulation methods—including interior, split, and exterior applications—and present strategies to minimize thermal bridging through different cladding attachments. The session will conclude with real-world case studies that highlight the importance of an integrated approach to component performance in achieving optimal results.

AIA Provider Number: 40107438  |  AIA Course Number - CC-ED-211LU/HSW

NOTE: AIA & AIBC credits are reported automatically by Cascadia. All other learning credits can be self-reported to the respective governing bodies.


Thu, Mar 6 @ 12pm PST (3pm EST)

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Thu, Apr 10 @ 9am PST (12pm EST)

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Wed, May 14 @ 12pm PST (3pm EST)

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Tue, Jun 3 @ 9am PST (12pm EST)

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Thu, Jul 10 @ 12pm PST (3pm EST)

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Thu, Aug 7 @ 9am PST (12pm EST)

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Download Presentation (PDF) - Closing the Gap: Leveraging cladding attachments to deliver high-performance exterior wall assemblies



Mind the Gap: Better exterior wall performance through cladding attachments


Many North American jurisdictions are moving beyond ASHRAE performance requirements for exterior wall assemblies, shifting instead to a holistic, building energy performance standard (BEPS) approach. While this evolution offers benefits—such as design flexibility and lower operating costs—it also requires a new approach to building those assemblies.

A line-item-by-line-item approach no longer yields the best results. Instead, component performance needs to be viewed across multiple facets to build high-performance exterior wall assemblies. This presentation discusses the impacts of thermal bridging on compliance with emerging building energy performance standards (BEPS), as well as ASHRAE.

Reviewing common insulation solutions—including interior, split and exterior insulation methods—the session delves into strategies for limiting thermal bridging through various cladding attachments. Finally, a review of real-world case studies helps demonstrate the interconnectivity of component when achieving high-performance.

AIA Provider Number: 40107438  |  AIA Course Number - CW-ED-171LU/HSW

NOTE: AIA & AIBC credits are reported automatically by Cascadia. All other learning credits can be self-reported to the respective governing bodies.



Previous Session -

Download Presentation (PDF) - Mind the Gap: Better exterior wall performance through cladding attachments